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Covid-19 Closure; Technology Tips for Equipment Upkeep and Preparation for Re-Opening.

Writer: CTCCTC


Cinema Technology Community (CTC) is an independent, not-for-profit membership organization that aims to advance the use of technology to enhance all aspects of the movie-going experience.

As well as providing guidance and support, CTC engages in a wide range of activities aimed at further educating industry professionals and improving the cinema experience. These include training courses, lectures, technical handbooks, educational visits, seminars, web seminars, networking events, projectionist certification and one of the industry’s leading technical journals, Cinema Technology Magazine.

The outbreak of Covid-19 in late 2019 and early 2020 has placed critical pressure on the global cinema community with the exhibition sector in most major markets being forced to shut down as governments seek to prevent the spread of the virus by limiting mass gatherings and social interactions. Due to the unprecedented response to the developing situation surrounding COVID-19 and the decision of many of our partners in exhibition to suspend their operations for what may potentially be an extended period of time CTC would like to offer the following general recommendations surrounding shutdown of projection and sound equipment. The recommendations below should be checked with your local installation and integration partners and serve as guidance. This document will be constantly evaluated and added to as a means of providing guidance to the exhibition sector.

Shutting Down Equipment

Digital Cinema Projectors

Leave the projector’s uninterruptible power supply (UPS) powered with the projector in “standby” mode. Doing this will help to keep the security certificate in your media block from being lost which will result in being unable to play encrypted content without a new media block.

Exhaust fans should be switched off and any dampers closed. Lens caps or other protective coverings may be placed on the outside of lenses to keep airborne dust and dirt from settling on the glass.

Best practice varies considerably and CTC recommends obtaining specific instructions relating to your projector from either your integration partner or product manufacturer.

3D Systems

3D systems should be powered down and filters where possible slid or moved away from the projector lens. 3D filters should be covered where possible.

Digital Cinema Servers

Leave the server’s uninterruptible power supply (UPS) powered with the server in “standby” mode. This will ensure that your integration or service partners are able to gain remote access to assist should you encounter any problems. Ensuring your servers remain in standby mode will also ensure that the security certificate in your media block remains valid the result of which would be the loss of ability to play encrypted content without the addition of a new media block. This is especially important for Series 1 projectors.

Audio and Control Systems

Leave any audio rack or control system uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) powered with any connected equipment in “standby”mode in order to avoid losing any settings or tuning data. If the audio rack is powered off each night then this can be done,

Maintaining Operational Readiness and Re-Charging UPS Batteries

Where possible, all equipment should be powered up weekly for between one and two hours to ensure that equipment remains operational and to ensure the complete charging of UPS batteries.


Whilst the temperature inside the cinema can be reduced due to the unoccupied status of the building, minimum temperatures in the booth or auditorium should not fall below 10°C/50°F to protect components in all equipment.

Film-Based Projection Systems

Film systems may be powered off. Exhaust fans should be switched off and any dampers closed. Xenon lamps can be removed and placed in protective packaging however these can be left in place.

Lenses should be placed in a protective covering and stored in a clean environment. Where your projection system uses an anamorphic lens, this should remain installed and covered with a lens cap or other protective cover.

Prior To Commencing Operation

Powering Up Equipment

In some instances, it is advisable to power up equipment in multiple phases in order to avoid large peak voltages. A recommended order for powering up should be projector, server and lastly the audio rack.

Auditorium Cleanliness

Whilst it is understood that all cinemas are likely to be deep cleaned prior to re-opening, it is essential that residual dust which may have built up is removed from the auditorium. Places where dust is likely to affect optimum viewing performance include port glass and screen.

Pre-Opening Testing

It is essential that a rigorous plan for testing and re-calibrating equipment is in place and carried out fully prior to re-opening to ensure that systems have remained operational and movies can be shown.

KDM Renewals

With closures for an uncertain amount of time, it is possible that KDMs for certain titles may expire and need renewing. This should be checked in advance of re-opening.


At such a difficult time, it is important that the global cinema community comes together to support each other. By doing this we will ensure that audiences will return to our cinemas and that our venues will remain the best and only place to see movies.

This document is aimed at being a working document and will continue to be updated accordingly. CTC welcomes suggestions related to this essential topic or others from across the industry and we aim to provide support and guidance where necessary.


Join Our Community

CTC, the global cinema network, is an independent, not-for-profit membership organisation that aims to assist the cinema industry in recognizing the importance that cinema technology and indeed the way in which it’s utilized can have a profoundly positive effect on the moviegoing experience.

From exclusive content, access to our global community, copies of our leading publication and much more, joining CTC is a must for organisations and cinema industry professionals. Our sponsorship programme is designed to allow organisations from distribution, post production, manufacturing and installation to show their support for the vital work CTC undertakes whilst maintaining accessibility for professionals, consultants and contractors to benefit from our deliverables.

Further information about CTC and our membership programme can be obtained by visiting our website –



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