CTC is partnering with OuiMarket4U to provide exhibitors with vital insights into the emerging and exciting esports and egaming sector. Commencing on Tuesday 6th August (18:00 UK | 19:00 CET | 13:00 EDT | 10:00 PDT) this six week web seminar series will examine the place of esports in the cinema and give vital commercial insights for exhibitors wishing to embark on this potentially lucrative sector.
Week #1 Introduction to Esports and its Place in Cinema.
Please join us this coming Tuesday, August 6th at 10:00 am PDT, for the first of our four-session webinar series Cinema Esports Think Tank. Our speakers will break down how theaters can approach this mysterious industry. Kim Meltzer -Destination Esports and Kima Perez - Hammer Esports, will explain what "esports" is and explain what they've learned, having been hired to put on esport live events in theaters. Rounding out the speakers is Jonathan Woodhouse from Cineworld. He has insights on tournaments and events he would like to share. Please join us on this first step towards demystifying esports in cinemas. Register for your free place today by clicking here
